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Just One Woman

Artist:Tracy Byrd  Album:Different Things  Writer:RAMEY JOHN KNOTT  Composer:RAMEY JOHN KNOTT 

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When Roy was a young man his friends used to tell all about The girls they ran with and he'd just shake his head And they'd get to laughing and asking Well, Roy, just how many girls you loving on these days And he'd turn three shades of red But if you ask him now he'll tell you Boy, this old man's been around And I ain't one to brag but you'd be hard pressed to find too many other men around this here town That's loved the way I have Just one woman One amazing, worth the waiting Angel from above Just one woman is all I've ever loved Well, I asked him once, Roy, don't you think by now She'd have wanted you to move on He said, no, not yet

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:4


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