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Artist:Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark  Album:The Pacific Age  Writer:MC CLUSKEY ANDY/HUMPHREYS PAUL DAVID/WEIR GRAHAM  Composer:MC CLUSKEY ANDY/HUMPHREYS PAUL DAVID/WEIR GRAHAM  Number:EMI0077778670551

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I remember that Monday morning When I was subpoenaed to be in court Many things ran through my mind I started thinking about the people All day long, trying to think of something to say to the people Are you ready for the question? All in favour, let it be known by standing on you feet I want young men and young women, who are not alive today But who will come into this world, with new preivleges And new oppurtunities I wnat them to know and see that these new priveleges and oppurtunities Did not come without somebody suffering and sacrificing for Freedom is never given to anybody

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