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Mission From 'Arry


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...I mean, it doesn' matter 'oo it is, I mean, the message gets through. Steve: (recorder clicks on mid-sentence)...anyways, 'e did not deserve to get a bollocking... (recorder clicks on and off here)...the time, I know why 'e got a bollocking, because you, you know, you dunno what the fuck 'e's goin' on (someone speaks in background) about, but 'e didn', but 'e didn' deserve it. All 'e's tryin' t'do is relay a message from me to you, right? N' 'e went the wrong way about it, okay? Nicko: Yeh, 'e did go the wrong way about it. Steve: Really? Nicko: Well I'm, I, I, I, I tell ya what, I mean it ain't gonna 'appen again. Bruce: I don't see where you get steamed, I mean, if the truss was gonna... Nicko: Why I got steamed up Bruce is because 'e fucked me right up. N' I knew there was a problem, I still didn' know what it was even after 'e...I, I fucked! Steve: I know that. Look, it's like... Nicko: I fuckin' fucked-up...n' I stopped, n' it was like "oh, for fuck's sake!" (tapping his foot as if playing drum solo) Come on kids, n' I'm lookin' 'round...what is 'e tryin' to tell me? What's the problem? (mumbles something unintelligible) Steve: Can't you understand? Can't you understand if I'm tryin' to get a fuckin' message through to ya, right?...I'd'a still...it'd a been a lot worse. If I, if I 'ad to go me gear done...as it 'appens, (snaps his fingers) just in the nick o' th'time I got it done. If I... Nicko: Yeah, I still didn't get the message. Steve: I know you didn'. But wha' we're sayin' (mumbles something unintelligible) wha'ever 'appens if I got 'im tryin' to get a fuckin' message to ya. Y'know wha' I mean? Nicko: Sure Steve, but the fact is that the guy was not 'andling it the right way. Steve: You don' fink o' fings like that Nick. Nicko: But that's diff...look...(something completely unintelligible) Steve: I bollocked...I was shou'ing at ya, "look, my gear's gone down". Nicko: It's me that fucked-up. Steve: Listen... Nicko: I'm the one out the(r)e all on me own... Steve: I know. Nicko: ...I'm doin' a drum solo. N' I've got fuckin' talkin'... Steve: N' I'm the one, I'm only one 'a finking, I've got fucking like a minute t'go before m..., to get this fucking gear right. Bruce: Yeah, but if somebody gives a message to me... Steve: No? Bruce: Nicko: Bruce, it's different... Steve: It's a different situation. Nicko: ...it's different for you. You're not standin' there all on your fuckin' own 'avin' a somebody try to get your attention n' talk to ya. I'm playin' a drum solo, n' the guy's standin' a yard, or two yards behind my drum riser goin'... Steve: Yeah, all I'm tryin' a... Nicko: ..."fucking anga-yangna-baba"..."wha? "..."BABA-BABA-BABA!"..."WHAAAA? ??". Fuck! (lets out frustrated grunt) By the time I've got that far, I'm fuckin' totally fucked. Because I'm p..., I'm not payin' attention to my gig... Steve: Ey, look... Nicko: ...I'm payin' attention to what 'e's tryin' to tell me. Bruce: Yeh, but nobody woulda noticed. Steve: I complete... Nicko: I noticed! Steve: I completely understand that. Nicko: Fucked me right up. Steve: But 'e, 'e was only doin' wha I told 'im t'do, n' that was get a message t'you. Now that the fucking 'eat o' the moment n' just, everything on 'and...'e don' fink to fucking tell Bill, 'e wants to get the message t'you, not to fucking Bill, so 'e don' fink o' that, 'e just tries to get the message t'you, right? So, 'e don' fucking deserve to get a bollocking for that, I mean, arright 'e got one I know...no say in 'at. But I just don', you know... Bruce: (possibly saying "Attente! Attente!") Steve: ...Bob was a nice guy. 'E's not like 'e's, fuckin', 'e's an asshole... Nicko: No, no... Steve: ...or an idiot, or anyfing like 'at. Nicko: Oh no, but 'e was out of order, because 'e didn'... Bruce: 'E wasn't out of order. Nicko: "E was. Steve: 'E wasn't out of order. 'E was wrong. Nicko: 'E was, 'cause 'e fucked me up by tryin to tell me Steve: Nicko. Nicko: If 'e'd o' come up to the riser... Steve: Nicko. Nicko: Look... Steve: Nicko. Nicko: ...if 'e'd o' come up to the riser dere, (shouting) I COULDA FUCKIN' 'EARD 'IM!!! Steve: But nick... Nicko: Cunt was standin' be'ind, I was sittin' down. Steve: Yeh... Nicko: ..."bada-bada-ba" Steve: 'E was wrong. 'e made a mistake, but 'e wasn't out of order. Bruce: It wasn't deliberate. Steve: 'E made a mistake... Nicko: Now, I know it ain't deliberate. Steve: ...for fuck's sake. Nicko: I didn' know that at the time, right? I still didn't that know Steve 'ad a problem wif 'is bass... Steve: That's wha' I'm sayin'. Nicko: ...luckily enough, by the time I finished the poxy solo,'e 'ad 'is bass wo(r)kin' again. Steve: It was all that fucking grief... Bruce: All it takes is the guy... Nicko: The grief was, because I bollocked 'im up, n' I 'appened to tell ya (something unintelligible) go out n' apologize right. Fuck 'im, I'm gonna go n' apologize to 'im. Bruce: Well all you gotta do... Nicko: It's not for me to apologize. I bollocked 'im 'cause 'e fucked me up. Right there, 'e fucked me up. 'E was wrong. Bruce: All you gotta do...no 'e wasn't wrong. Nicko: 'E was. Steve: 'E wasn't wrong. Nicko: 'E did not 'andle it...'e's not even fuckin' communicating, right? Steve: Aw! I don' wanna fuckin' argue about this, it's fucking stupid...I fink you're really out of order, I fink...honestly. Nicko: No bollocks! Oh I am no(t) out of order. Steve: You are. You're a'itude is out of order. Nicko: 'E...no it ain't. Steve: It is. Nicko: No it ain't. The guy fucked me up. Steve: I know 'e did... Nicko: Well then that's out of order... Steve: ...'e din' mean to. Nicko: (close to hysteria) LOOK, I'M NOT SAYIN 'E (Nicko hits something) FUCKIN' MEANT

投稿者: PetitLyrics


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