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TV Static

Artist:Noxious Emotion  Album:Noxious Emotion 

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I have come to destroy your smug dream You in suburbia, sleeping before the TV Fantasies with no strength or substance Stale brain patterns of static synapse-misfire is commonplace truth No attention span No depth dressing up for acceptance of people more brain dead than yourself Engrossed media coverage of genocide As you would watch it on TV up to the last Watching yourself die curious, but not alarmed You make me want to vomit blood Lack of interest to live in any way Disjunction of mind and body Suggestion, mass hysteria in a calm zombie state Ripping apart your mind Raping your senses in a short-wave form of media control Insubstantial religion of your fore-fathers Terrorizing priests, preachers, beggars, and slaves Turmoil in every home

Posted By: PetitLyrics
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