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Don't Turn Me Off

Artist:AI  Album:MORIAGARO  Writer:michico/ScoopBop  Composer:UTA/michico/ScoopBop  Release Year:2013  Number:TOCT-29178

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i see ya eyes staring down at ya phone what ya think i ain't notice? while we eat you ain't looking at me see it's got you unfocused sending text like you have no respect, and i think it's real bogus cause it's AI time and on my time we ain't got time for that shh big booty chick's クリックする pics when you like it i don't like it バカみたいじゃん もしもしは無視無視で どうしてどうしてもなしで every time your eyes should be on me because you know i love ya turn it off, turn it off 携帯を だって maybe こっちがキレそう don't turn me off, turn me off いい加減 c'mon baby 今は食事中 あ~あぁ あ~あぁ あ~もうやだ ちゃんとコネクトして eye to eye あ~あぁ あ~あぁ talk to me now always 愛を忘れないで you know what i want is your attention boy don't ignore me cause i need you to adore me you're killing this feeling so let me mention boy なってないったらありゃしない this is もっかの ビッグイシュー you know what 一緒にいるのに i miss you なんかちょっとこれって もしかしてネグレクト? every time your eyes should be on me because you know i love ya

Posted By: PetitLyrics
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:4257


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