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TOP > Lyrics > Harmony (Feat. Alex (From Clazziquai))
Harmony (Feat. Alex (From Clazziquai))

Artist:FreeTEMPO  Album:Harmony  Writer:半澤 武志  Composer:半澤 武志 

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Harmony and Harmony Everything the current Harmony and Harmony The current world Harmony and Harmony The current past Harmony and Harmony The current feelings Harmony and Harmony Everything the current Harmony and Harmony The current world Harmony and Harmony The current past Harmony and Harmony The current feelings <♪> Harmony and Harmony Everything the current Harmony and Harmony The current world Harmony and Harmony The current past Harmony and Harmony The current feelings Harmony and Harmony Everything the current Harmony and Harmony The current world Harmony and Harmony The current past Harmony and Harmony The current feelings <♪> Harmony and Harmony Everything the current Harmony and Harmony The current world Harmony and Harmony The current past Harmony and Harmony The current feelings Harmony and Harmony

Posted By: DIGITALflow
Number of PetitLyrics Plays:55


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